How ValueHost Hospedagem Protect Their Business From Fraud

ValueHost Hospedagem
ValueHost Hospedagem emerged in 2009 as an option to meet the web hosting needs of ValueSoft Sistemas agency customers, shortly after it became a company with independent focuses directed to the professional hosting market.
Currently, ValueHost has 4 datacenters in 4 countries and more than 50,000 websites hosted. We offer several solutions, from shared hosting, domains, vps servers, dedicated servers to premium vpn service and email services.

"If we are to choose a quote to FraudLabs Pro service, that will be 10/10!"
Ulisses Comonian, CEO of ValueHost Hospedagem
The Challenge
The increasing fast pace of digital change in business has caused the merchants baffled by a sudden rise in chargeback rates. Fraudsters nowadays are getting well organized, smarter, more technology savvy and cunning to constantly lookout for opportunities or loopholes to commit fraud.
Just as ValueHost is responding to the rapid growth in their orders, they are starting to get more and more fraud attempts when they offer free trial services. Fraud and chargebacks become a pressing concern to ValueHost. They know that the best way to deal with any chargeback is to prevent it from happening in the first place.
The Solution
To have a right solution and strong tools in place to combat the risks, they started to source for a solution for fraud prevention. Soon they found FraudLabs Pro for their WHMCS platform, which provides them with a comprehensive fraud screening with machine learning technology to accurately uncover fraud patterns.
ValueHost has enabled the validation rule to manually review high risk orders, especially for those orders with fraud scores greater than 70. During the reviewing process, ValueHost uses the in-depth information in the fraud report to decide whether to approve or reject the order.
The Results
By using FraudLabs Pro automated fraud screening service, fraud patterns can be easily discerned and handled by the fraud detection engine and custom validation rules. The system will then notify ValueHost if high risk orders were discovered, so that they can further investigate if the orders are fraudulent or legitimate. After using the service, ValueHost has noticed a great reduction in chargeback cases. Also, instead of reviewing all orders, they now only need to review approximately 9% of the total number for potential fraud. This has eventually reduced the additional cost of hiring additional staff members to solely perform fraud checks.