What is User Transaction Overview

What is User Transaction Overview

In today’s digital age, where e-commerce and online transactions dominate, it’s important to ensure the security and authenticity of transactions. FraudLabs Pro has introduced a new feature, User Transaction Overview which is a critical tool in fraud prevention. This feature empowers merchants with a comprehensive view of a user’s transaction history over the past year, the most recent transaction and the user’s geolocation by IP address. Available exclusively for merchants on the Small plan and above, this feature is accessible on the Transaction Details page under the Order Details tab.

Understanding User Transaction Overview

The User Transaction Overview is a feature designed to provide merchants with a detailed summary of a user’s transaction activities. This includes a history of all transactions made by the user in the past year, the most recent transaction and the user’s geolocation based on their IP address. This wealth of information is invaluable for merchants to assess the legitimacy of transactions and to detect any potential fraudulent activities.

Transaction History

The core component of the User Transaction Overview is the transaction history. This feature provides merchants with a chronological record of all transactions made by a user over the past year. By analyzing this data, merchants can identify patterns and behaviors that might indicate fraudulent activity. For example, a sudden surge in high-value transactions could be a red flag for potential fraud. Conversely, a consistent transaction pattern over time can reassure merchants of the user’s legitimacy.

Recent Transaction

In addition to a full-year transaction history, the User Transaction Overview highlights the most recent transaction made by the user. This is particularly useful for merchants to verify the details of a current order quickly. If a recent transaction appears suspicious, merchants can take immediate action, such as holding the order for further verification or contacting the user for confirmation.

Geolocation by IP Address

Geolocation is another critical aspect of the User Transaction Overview. By tracking the user’s IP address, merchants can determine the geographical location from which the transaction was made. This information is crucial for detecting discrepancies between the user’s claimed location and their actual location. For instance, if a user claims to be in one country but their IP address indicates a different country, this could be a sign of fraudulent activity.

Importance of User Transaction Overview in Fraud Prevention

The User Transaction Overview feature plays a key role in preventing fraud, ensuring the security of both merchants and customers. Here are several ways this feature contributes to fraud prevention:

Identifying Unusual Patterns

By providing a comprehensive view of a user’s transaction history, this new feature helps merchants identify unusual patterns. Sudden changes in purchasing behavior, such as an unexpected increase in transaction frequency or value, can be indicative of fraudulent activity. Detecting these anomalies early allows merchants to take preventive measures before any significant loss occurs.

Reducing Chargebacks and Financial Losses

Fraudulent transactions often lead to chargebacks, which can be costly for merchants. By utilizing this new feature, merchants can proactively identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, thereby reducing the likelihood of chargebacks. This not only saves money but also helps maintain the merchant’s reputation and trustworthiness.


In conclusion, the User Transaction Overview is an essential feature for any merchant looking to enhance their fraud prevention measures. By providing detailed insights into a user’s transaction history, recent transactions and geolocation, this feature allows merchants to detect and respond to potential fraudulent activities swiftly. The User Transaction Overview is a powerful tool in the fight against fraud, ensuring the security and trustworthiness of online transactions.

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