India is the second largest of wireless market in the world. With the low tariffs in SMS sending and direct call, many of the telemarketers have favor the use of these medium to promote their products and services. This has inevitably becoming a serious issues and major irritant to all Indian consumers. To overcome this issue, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has enacted The Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulations, 2010 (TCCCPR) which came into force from 27 September 2011. This regulation enable the consumer to either fully or partially block the commercial communication via Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Portal based on their own preferences.
How will this regulation affects the SMS verification?
The SMS verification sent by FraudLabs Pro to the Indian customer is categorized as a Promotional SMS, even though this is for the legitimate SMS verification purpose. Under such circumstances, the SMS could be failed to reach client’s mobile if the client had enabled the configuration to block all commercial communication. The only remedy to this is to have the client to remove the restriction from the official registration portal.
How to find out if an undelivered SMS was due to client’s Do-Not-Call preferences?
You may check the client’s preference by using the phone number online checking service to find out if an India mobile had enabled the restriction or not. To get the client’s phone number, you can
- Login to the merchant area.
- Click on the Add-On -> SMS Verification API menu.
- Get the phone number and then perform the check.