How to put a high risk order on hold in nopCommerce

Most of the major payment gateways like Authorize.Net, Stripe provide an option to either Authorize or Capture the payment. It allows you to decide whether to capture the funds immediately or authorize the payment to be captured later. If you have chosen the Capture option on nopCommerce to process your […]

How to test FraudLabs Pro integration in FoxyCart

After you have successfully installed the FraudLabs Pro integration in FoxyCart, you may want to test if the fraud detection is working without problems. You can refer to the Installation section of our FoxyCart Fraud Prevention Module to get details about the installation instructions page if you need a hand […]

How to enable notification using Zapier in OpenCart

FraudLabs Pro has recently updated the FraudLabs Pro Zapier app with a instant trigger. You may instantly connect FraudLabs Pro with other Zapier apps to automate your work easily in Zapier. For example, you can trigger notification like email sending by using the Zapier services provided. After you have enabled […]