What is Multiple Credit Card Attempts Carding attempt, or carding attack, is one of the common tactics used by fraudsters trying to discover the validity of a list of stolen cards. The perpetrators achieve their objectives by performing multiple order submissions, usually in a short time of period, to gather […]
How to add sub account for merchant area
You can add multiple sub accounts, granting them with different access privileges to the features in the merchant area. The number of sub accounts entitled to your account will be depending on the subscribed fraud prevention plan. Below is the table describing the number of the sub account allowed for […]
What is Merchant Network in FraudLabs Pro?
Merchant Network is a community group introduced by FraudLabs Pro with one clear objective – to combat fraud successfully. We believe that fraud fighting is a collaborative effort, and the success rate is determined by how much information you’ve gathered, and at what speed this valuable information is being processed […]
How the Coronavirus Impacts the Online Businesses
The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus across the globe has changed the lifestyles of individuals and businesses in many different ways. Amid the COVID-19, many countries have imposed stay-at-home orders, school closures, non-essential businesses shutdown, social distancing, face covering when out in public and other measures as needed, with only […]
How to flag an order for review by SKU information on BigCommerce Platform
FraudLabs Pro supports 2 validation rules, namely the Product SKU and SKU Quantity Validation Rule, that enables you to validate the product specific SKU information. These rules can be found under Transaction Validation section in the Rules configuration page. Product SKU Validation Rule For the Product SKU validation rule, the […]
10 Measures to Reduce Credit Card Fraud for Internet Merchants
Introduction During the last few years, there has been an increase in online fraud of global scope and geometrically increasing proportions. There are now actual companies that specialize in spam and other illegal marketing techniques, like Phishing and Hacking, that take every opportunity to make a few pennies. Even though […]
Why You Need a Fraud Prevention Solution?
Fraud prevention solution is no longer an optional tool, but a crucial implementation to protect your online business from malicious fraudsters. With the advancement in technology, there are lots of tools and methods available on the web that fraudsters can easily access for fraud perpetration. Hence, manually reviewing every order […]
What is FraudLabs Pro Action?
FraudLabs Pro Action is the one in FraudLabs Pro Validation Rule that defines the action to be taken based on the validation outcome. Each validation rule will have its own associated action. And, altogether FraudLabs Pro supports 3 types of action, namely APPROVE, REVIEW and REJECT. Below is the example […]
How the BigCommerce Order Status Affect FraudLabs Pro Status
FraudLabs Pro tracks the changes of the BigCommerce Order status, and update FraudLabs Pro transaction status accordingly. Either you explicitly alter the order status in BigCommerce, or an automated changes as part of the BigCommerce process flow, this change event will be tracked by our system for transaction status update. […]
How To Set Up Fraud Protection In BigCommerce
This article will guide you on how to set up fraud protection services for your online store in BigCommerce. Steps to set up fraud protection Login to your BigCommerce admin area. Navigate to the side menu, click the Apps link. Enter fraudlabspro in the Search apps text box and click search. […]