A Ship Forwarder, also known as Freight Forwarder, is an agent or company who helps to organize the shipment transfer from one location to an end destination. Some would help the client to re-package the shipments, handle storage, inventory management, re-route using different carriers (for instance via land, air or […]
How to automatically cancel a high risk order marked by Shopify
If you wish to use the Shopify fraud analysis as the option to automatically cancel a high risk order, you can now enable it with FraudLabs Pro. However, please note that this feature only works with Shopify higher plan, not with Basic plan. It’s because the Shopify Basic plan will […]
How to automatically approve orders that are eligible for PayPal Seller Protection
If you are accepting PayPal payment, you may be eligible for PayPal Seller Protection that protects you from unauthorized payments by PayPal. In this case, you can choose to enable the option to automatically approve those orders that are eligible for seller protection on our system. By doing so, our […]
FraudLabs Pro Risk Score is soon to be deprecated from FraudLabs Pro module for OpenCart
The FraudLabs Pro Risk Score + Order Status is an integrated option provided in the module that enables merchants to set the threshold to mark the order as fraud based on the returned FraudLabs Pro score. Below is the screenshot of the mentioned option: If you are currently using this option […]
What is Fraud Validation Rule?
In the FraudLabs Pro system, fraud score and fraud validation rule are 2 important features to help you identify and stop payment frauds. During the initial account setup, our system will automatically create 5 default fraud validation rules with one of them being “If the fraud score greater than 70, mark the […]
How to review order by credit card type
FraudLabs Pro enable you to flag the order for review by using the credit card type, for example the Credit Card or Debit Card. In order to use this validation rule, the Credit BIN Number must be supplied into the REST API for the system to find out the associated […]
How to blacklist a phone number
You can blacklist any phone number from buying from your e-commerce site. FraudLabs Pro allowing you to blacklist a phone number as either private or public visibility. For private visibility, the blacklist data will only be used for your own fraud validation, whereby at public visibility, this piece of information […]
How to disable FraudLabs Pro message in BigCommerce staff notes
In a default installation, FraudLabs Pro will append the status information into staff notes to give merchant an overview of the fraud validation result. Below are the information that will be inserted by the FraudLabs Pro system into the staff notes by action: APPROVED: Verified and approved by FraudLabs Pro. […]
How to whitelist a client
Intro FraudLabs Pro allows you to whitelist a client by using their email addresses. If a client was whitelisted, FraudLabs Pro will automatically approve the order transaction. In other words, the whitelisted client take the highest priority in the rules validation check process. However, please take note that the system […]
What are the limitations of sending SMS verification to India mobile?
India is the second largest of wireless market in the world. With the low tariffs in SMS sending and direct call, many of the telemarketers have favor the use of these medium to promote their products and services. This has inevitably becoming a serious issues and major irritant to all […]