Credit Card BIN Information

Credit card BIN Information

If you need Credit Card BIN information, including details such as card brand, card type, card issuing bank, and card issuing country, you can access this valuable information through the order/screen REST API. However, please note that this information is only available for the Medium plan and higher. For more information, please visit the FraudLabs Pro Fraud Detection REST API page.

What input information should I provide for retrieving the card BIN information?

FraudLabs Pro requires the 6 or 8 digit BIN codes to retrieve card information. When sending the order/screen REST API request, you need to provide this information in the bin_no field.

Where can I find the JSON response message for the card BIN information?

To retrieve the BIN information, you can use the following keys: card_brand, card_type, card_issuing_bank, and card_issuing_country.

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